

English Version



         姓        名:祝钦泷
         邮        箱:zhuql@scau.edu.cn


农学博士,研究员,博士生导师,丁颖拔尖学者岗位,入选广东省青年拔尖人才项目。美国康奈尔大学(Cornell University)客座副教授(2017-2018年);兼任中国生物工程学会生物农业分会委员;中国植物学会植物整合组学专业委员会委员;广东省生化学会教学专业委员会委员。主要从事植物合成生物学与作物种质创新,包括基因工程共性技术系统(多基因叠加系统、基因组编辑系统和基因工程共性技术)的开发及其植物代谢工程与合成生物学应用(水稻、园艺作物的类黄酮、花青素、类胡萝卜素生物合成与代谢调控;水稻营养物质强化的多基因代谢工程应用);开发了新型多基因叠加系统(TGSIITGSII-UNiE广靶向的多重碱基编辑系统(PhieCBEsPhieABEs), 首次在水稻胚乳合成了花青素与高级类胡萝卜素虾青素,创制“紫晶米”与“赤晶米”等功能型粮食作物新种质。作为第一导师,指导学生获得2016 iGEM(国际基因工程机器)大赛全球金奖与4个单项奖(包括首个最佳植物合成生物学奖“Best Plant Synthetic Biology”等单项奖)。 



1. 植物基因工程技术系统的研究


2. 植物代谢工程与合成生物学


3. 作物营养强化与功能营养型新种质创制




2004.09-2007.06 西南大学,园艺学(花卉分子育种)专业,农学博士

2001.09-2004-07 西南大学(原西南农业大学),细胞生物学专业,理学硕士

1997.09-2001.06 西南大学荣昌校区(原四川畜牧兽医学院),动物科学专业,农学学士





2017.12-2018.11:美国康奈尔大学(Cornell University/USDA-ARS, Robert W. Holley Center,Plant Science, 客座副教授(Visiting Associate Professor





10. 2023年华南农业大学“我最喜爱的研究生导师”;

9. 2021年首届广东农业科技创新大比武总决赛冠军(排名第3/11.

8. 2019年第十三届中国生物工程学会年会暨全国生物技术大会,青年优秀论文唯一特等奖;

7. 2019年第二届分子植物育种大会优秀墙报奖;

6. 2019年中国生物工程学会第四届青年科技论坛优秀墙报奖;

5. 2018年第四届“药食同源与植物代谢国际研讨会”优秀墙报奖;

4. 2017年第十届大北农科技奖基因工程奖(第6/12);

3. 2017 the Best POSTER AWARD, the 4th ICPM (International Conference on Plant Metabolism), CSPBChinese Society for Plant Biology;

2. 2009年第六届中国科协期刊优秀学术论文(三等奖);  

1. 2007年郑集-张昌颖青年优秀论文奖,CSBMB (The Chinese Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology)



1. 中国生物工程学会生物农业分会委员;

2. 中国植物学会植物整合组学专业委员会委员;

3. 广东省生化学会教学专业委员会委员;

4. 中国植物学会(BSC)高级会员;中国生物化学与分子生物学学会(CSBMB)会员;中国植物生理与植物分子生物学学会(CSPB)会员;


6. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 青年编委;

7. Agriculture副主编;

8. Frontiers in Genome editing(植物基因编辑方向)副主编;

9. Frontiers in Plant Science(植物生物技术、植物代谢与化学多样性、植物育种三个方向)审稿编辑;

10. Journal of Cellular PhysiologyMolecular Plant Pathology联合客座编辑;

11. BMC Plant Biology专题客座编辑;

12. The Crop Journal专题客座编辑;

13. 多个国际学术期刊如Biotechnology AdvancesNature PlantsNature Communications, Molecular Plant, Plant Biotechnology Journal, Journal of Integrative Plant BiologyPlant  PhysiologyPlant  Journal等的特邀审稿人。



12. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(32272120),2023.1-2026.12,主持,在研

11. 国家重点研发计划项目(2022YFF1002802)子课题,2022.12 -2027.11,主持,在研

10. 国家科技重大专项子任务,2022.6-2027.6,主持,在研

9. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(31971915),2020.1-2023.12,主持,结题

8. 广东省基础与应用基础研究重大项目(2019B030302006)子课题,2020.1-2024.12,主持,在研

7. 转基因专项“转基因新技术新方法”子课题(2016ZX08010001-008),2019.1-2020.12,主持,结题;

6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(31771740),2018.1-2021.12,主持,结题;

5. 广东省公益研究与能力建设项目(2016A020210084),2016.1-2018.12,主持,结题;

4. 国家自然科学基金青年基金(31000698),2011.1-2013.12,主持,结题;

3. 广东省自然科学基金(10451064201005422),2010.10-2012.10,主持,结题;

2. 国家“863”计划课题“高效、安全转基因技术的创建”子课题(2007AA10Z1842007.9-2010.8,主持,结题;

1. 博士后科学基金(20070420787),2007.9-2010.12,主持,结题;


论文著作* Corresponding author


52. Zhang R, Chai N, Liu T, Zheng Z, Lin Q, Xie X, Wen J, Yang Z, Liu Y-G*, Zhu Q*. The type V effectors for CRISPR/Cas-mediated genome engineering in plants. Biotechnology Advances, 2024, 74: 108382. (IF2022=16.0)

51. Xue Z*, Zhao T, Zhu Q*, Qiao J*, Xuan YH*. New insights into the regulation, biosynthesis and mode of action of antimicrobial metabolites to control plant disease. Journal of Cellular Physiology, 2024, DOI: 10.1002/jcp.31154.IF2022=5.6


50. Tan J*, Shen M, Chai N, Liu Q, Liu Y-G, Zhu Q*. Genome editing for plant synthetic metabolic engineering and developmental regulation. Journal of Plant Physiology, 2023, 291: 154141. (IF2022=4.3) 

49. Lin J, Yin X, Zeng Y, Hong X, Zhang S, Cui B, Zhu Q, Liang Z, Xue Z*, Yang D*. Progress and prospect: Biosynthesis of plant natural products based on plant chassis. Biotechnology Advances. 2023, 69: 108266. (IF2022=16.0)

48. Luo W#, Tan J#, Li T, Feng Z, Ding Z, Xie X, Chen Y, Chen L, Liu Y-G, Zhu Q*, Guo J*. Overexpression of maize GOLDEN2 in rice and maize calli improves regeneration by activating chloroplast development. Science China Life Sciences, 2023, 66(2): 340-349. (IF2022=9.1)


47. Zhu Q*, Tan J, Liu Y-G. Molecular farming using transgenic rice endosperm. Trends in Biotechnology, 2022, 40 (10): 1248–1260. (IF2022=17.3)

46. Zhao Y#, Han J#, Tan J#, Yang Y, Li S, Gou Y, Luo Y, Li T, Xiao W, Xue Y, Hao Y, Xie X, Liu Y-G *, Zhu Q *. Efficient assembly of long DNA fragments and multiple genes with improved nickase-based cloning and Cre/loxP recombination. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2022, 20 (10): 1983–1995. (IF2022=13.8) (封面文章)

45. Xie X*, Li F, Tan X, Zeng D, Liu W, Zeng W, Zhu Q, Liu Y-G*. BEtarget: aversatile web-based tool to design guide RNAs for base editing in plants. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal, 2022, 20: 4009–4014. (IF2022=6.0)

44. Zeng D#, Zheng Z#, Liu Y, Liu T, Li T, Liu J, Luo Q, Xue Y, Li S, Chai N, Yu S, Xie X, Liu Y-G, Zhu Q*. Exploring C-to-G and A-to-Y Base Editing in Rice by Using New Vector Tools. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2022, 23(14):7990. (IF2022=5.6) 

43. Ma K, Yang Z, Yang B, Liu Y-G, Zhu Q, Chen L*. Bioinformatic and functional analyses reveal the expansion base of the rice polyketide synthase III superfamily and the synergistic roles of OsPKS1 and OsPKS2 in male reproduction. Reproduction and Breeding, 2022, 2(1): 9–17.

42. Han J#, Ma K#, Li H#, Su J#, Zhou L, Tang J, Zhang S, Hou Y, Chen L, Liu Y-G, Zhu Q*. All-in-one: A Robust Fluorescent Fusion Protein Vector Toolbox for Protein Localization and BiFC Analyses in Plants. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 202220 (6): 1098–1109. (IF2022=13.8)

41. Tan J, Wang Y, Chen S, Lin Z, Zhao Y, Xue Y, Luo Y, Liu Y.-G, Zhu Q*. An Efficient Marker Gene Excision Strategy Based on CRISPR/Cas9- Mediated Homology-Directed Repair in Rice. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2022, 23(3): 1588. (IF2022=5.6)

40. Tan J#, Zeng D#, Zhao Y#, Wang Y, Liu T, Li S, Xue Y, Luo Y, Xie X, Chen L, Liu Y-G, Zhu Q*. PhieABEs: a PAM-less/free high-efficiency adenine base editor toolbox with wide target scope in plants. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2022, 20 (5): 934–943. (IF2022=13.8) (ESI高被引论文)


39. Liu T#, ZengD#, Zheng Z, Lin Z, Xue Y, Li T, Xie X, Ma G, Liu Y-G*, Zhu Q*. The ScCas9++ variant expands the CRISPR toolbox for genome editing in plants. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 2021, 63(9):1611-1619. (IF2021=9.106) (# co-first author)

38. Ma K, Han J, Zhang Z, Li H, Zhao Y, Zhu Q, Xie Y, Liu YG, Chen L*. OsEDM2L mediates m6 A of EAT1 transcript for proper alternative splicing and polyadenylation regulating rice tapetal degradation. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 2021, 63(11):1982-1994. (IF2021=9.106)

37. Sun T#*, Zhu Q#, Wei Z, Owens LA, Fish T, Kim H, Thannhauser TW, Cahoon EB, Li L*. Multi-strategy engineering greatly enhances provitamin A carotenoid accumulation and stability in Arabidopsis seeds. aBIOTECH, 2021, 2(3): 191-214. (# co-first author)

36. Zhu Q*, Tan J, Wang B, Liu Y-G. Genetic Engineering for Increasing Antioxidant Content in Rice: Recent Progress and Future Perspective. 2021: 358-381; doi: 10.1002/9781119633174.ch19 (Chapter 19, in book:Molecular Breeding for Rice Abiotic Stress Tolerance and Nutritional Quality), WILEY Press

35. Zhu Q, Liu Y-G*. TransGene Stacking II Vector System for Plant Metabolic Engineering and Synthetic Biology. Methods in molecular biology,2021, 2238:19-35; doi: 10.1007/978-1-0716-1068-8_2 (Chapter 2, in book: Rice Genome Engineering and Gene Editing), Humana Press


34. Zeng D#, Liu T#, Tan J, Zhang Y, Zheng Z, Wang B, Zhou D, Xie X, Guo M, Liu Y-G*, Zhu Q*. PhieCBEs: Plant High-efficiency Cytidine Base Editors with Expanded Target Range. Molecular Plant, 2020, 13 (12): 1666–1669. (IF2020=13.164) (# co-first author)

33. Liu, T#, Yu S#, Xu Z, Tan J, Wang B, Liu Y-G*, Zhu Q*. Prospects and Progress on Crocin Biosynthetic Pathway and Metabolic Engineering. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal, 2020, 18: 3278–3286. (IF2020=7.271)

32. Zeng D, Liu T, Ma X, Wang B, Zheng Z, Zhang Y, Xie X, Yang B, Zhao Z, Zhu Q*, Liu Y-G*. Quantitative regulation of Waxy expression by CRISPR/Cas9-based promoter and 5'UTR-intron editing improves grain quality in rice. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2020, 18 (12): 2385-2387. (IF2020=9.803).

31. Tan J, Zhao Y, Wang B, Hao Y, Wang Y, Li Y, Luo W, Zong W, Li G, Chen S, Ma K, Xie X, Chen L, Liu Y‐G*, Zhu Q*. Efficient CRISPR/Cas9-based plant genomic fragment deletions by microhomology-mediated end joining. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2020,18(11): 2161-2163. (IF2020=9.803)

30. Wang B, Fang R, Chen F, Han J, Liu Y-G, Chen L*, Zhu Q*. A novel CCCH‐type zinc‐finger protein SAW1 activates OsGA20ox3 to regulate gibberellin homeostasis and anther development in rice, Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 2020,62(10):1594-1606. (IF2020=7.061)

29. Gong QWang B, Lu X, Tan J, Hou Y, Liu T, Liu Y-G*, Zhu Q*. Nicking Endonuclease-Mediated Vector Construction Strategies for Plant Gene Functional Research. Plants, 2020, 9 (9): 1090. (IF2020=3.935).

28. Hao Y, Zong W, Zeng D, Han J, Chen S, Tang J, Zhao Z, Li X, Ma K, Xie X, Zhu Q, Chen Y, Zhao X, Guo J*, Liu Y-G*. Shortened snRNA promoters for efficient CRISPR/Cas-based multiplex genome editing in monocot plants. Science China Life Sciences, 2020, 63 (6):933-935. (IF2020=6.038).

27. Zeng D, Li X, Huang J, Li Y, Cai S, Yu W, Li Y, Huang Y, Xie X, Gong Q, Tan J, Zheng Z, Guo M, Liu Y-G*, Zhu Q*. Engineered Cas9 variant tools expand targeting scope of genome and base editing in rice. Plant Biotechnology Journal. 2020, 18(6):1348-1350. (IF2020=9.803)

26. Zhu Q, Wang B, Tan J, Liu T, Li L, Liu Y-G*. Plant Synthetic Metabolic Engineering for Enhancing Crop Nutritional Quality. Plant Communications. 2020, 1, 100017.IF2021=8.625


25. Tan J, Gong Q, Yu S, Hou Y, Zeng D, Zhu Q*, Liu Y-G*.  A modified high-efficiency thermal asymmetric interlaced PCR method for amplifying long unknown flanking sequences. Journal of Genetics and Genomics, 2019, 46 (7): 363-366. (IF2018=4.65)

24. Ma K, Han J, Hao Y, Yang Z, Chen J, Liu Y-G, Zhu Q*, Chen L*. An effective strategy to establish a male sterility mutant mini-library by CRISPR/Cas9 knockout of anther-specific genes in rice. Journal of Genetics and Genomics, 2019, 46 (5): 273-275. (IF2018=4.65)


23. Zhu Q, Zeng D, Yu S, Cui C, Li J, Li H, Chen J, Zhang R, Zhao X, Chen L, Liu Y-G*. From Golden Rice to aSTARice: Bioengineering Astaxanthin Biosynthesis in Rice Endosperm. Molecular plant, 2018,11(12): 1440-1448赤晶米封面文章.(IF2018=10.812)

22. Xie Y, Zhang Y, Han J, Luo J, Li G, Huang J, Wu H, Tian Q, Zhu Q, Chen Y, Kawano Y, Liu Y-Guang, Chen L*. The Intronic cis Element SE1 Recruits trans-Acting Repressor Complexes to Repress the Expression of ELONGATED UPPERMOST INTERNODE1 in Rice. Molecular plant, 2018, 11(5): 720- 735. (IF2018=10.812)


21. Shen R, Wang L, Liu X, Wu J, Jin W, Zhao X, Xie X, Zhu Q, Tang H, Li Q, Chen L, Liu Y-G*. Genomic structural variation-mediated allelic suppression causes hybrid male sterility in rice. Nature Communications, 2017, 8 (1): 1310. (IF2017=12.353)

20. Li X, Xie Y, Zhu Q, Liu Y-G*. Targeted Genome Editing in Genes and Cis-Regulatory Regions Improves Qualitative and Quantitative Traits in CropsMolecular Plant, 2017, 10 (11):1368-1370. (IF2017=9.326)

19. Zhu Q, Yu S, Zeng D, Liu H, Wang H, Yang Z, Xie X, Shen R, Tan J, Li H, Zhao X, Zhang Q, Chen Y, Guo J, Chen L, Liu Y-G*. Development of “Purple Endosperm Rice” by engineering anthocyanin biosynthesis in the endosperm with a high-efficiency transgene stacking system. Molecular Plant, 2017, 10 (7): 918-929.(“紫晶米封面文章Best of Molecular Plant 2017ESI高被引论文).(IF2017=9.326)

18. Zhong G, Zhu Q, Li Y, Liu Y, Wang H*. Once for All: A Novel Robust System for Co-expression of Multiple Chimeric Fluorescent Fusion Proteins in Plants. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2017, 8: 1071. (IF2017=3.678)

17. Xie X, Ma X, Zhu Q, Zeng D, Li G, and Liu Y-G. CRISPR-GE: A Convenient Software Toolkit for CRISPR-Based Genome Editing. Molecular Plant, 2017, 10(9):1246-1249. (IF2017=9.326)

16. Lu K, Peng L, Zhang C, Lu J, Yang B, Xiao Z, Liang Y, Xu X, Qu C, Zhang K, Liu L, Zhu Q, Fu M, Yuan X and Li J*. Genome-Wide Association and Transcriptome Analyses Reveal Candidate Genes Underlying Yield-determining Traits in Brassica napusFronters in Plant Science. 2017, 8: 206. (IF2017=3.678)

15. Chen W, Zhu Q, Liu Y and Zhang Q*. Chromatin Remodeling and Plant Immunity. Advances in Protein Chemistry and Structural Biology. 2017, 106: 243-260. (IF2017=2.439)


14. Chen W, Zeng D, Shen R, Ma X, Zhang Q, Chen L, Liu Y-G*, Zhu Q*Rapid in vitro splicing of coding sequences from genomic DNA by isothermal recombination reaction-based PCRBiotechnology and Biotechnological Equipment, 2016, 30(5): 864-868. (IF2016=1.059)

13. Ma X, Zhu Q, Chen Y, Liu Y-G*CRISPR/Cas9 platforms for genome editing in plants: developments and applications. Molecular Plant, 2016, 9 (7): 961-974.(Best of Molecular Plant 2016ESI高被引论文).(IF2016=8.827)


12. Zhu Q*, Sui SLei XYang ZLu KLiu GLiu Y-GLi M*Ectopic Expression of the Coleus R2R3 MYB-Type Proanthocyanidin Regulator Gene SsMYB3 Alters the Flower Color in Transgenic TobaccoPLoS One, 2015, 10 (10): e0139392. (IF2015=3.057)

11. Zhu Q*, Xie X, Lin H, Sui S, Shen R, Yang Z, Lu K, Li M, Liu Y-G*. Isolation and Functional Characterization of a Phenylalanine Ammonia-Lyase Gene (SsPAL1) from Coleus (Solenostemon scutellarioides (L.) Codd). Molecules, 2015, 20(9): 16833-16851. (IF2015=2.465)

10. Ma X, Zhang Q, Zhu Q, Liu W, Chen Y, Qiu R, Wang B, Yang Z, Li H, Lin Y, Xie Y, Shen R, Chen S, Wang Z, Chen Y, Guo J, Chen L, Zhao X, Dong Z, and Liu Y-G*. A robust CRISPR/Cas9 system for convenient high-efficiency multiplex genome editing in monocot and dicot plantsMolecular Plant, 2015, 8(8): 1274-1284 ESI 高被引论文). (IF2015=7.142)

9. Ma X, Chen L, Zhu Q, Chen Y, Liu Y-G*. Rapid decoding of sequence-specific nuclease-induced heterozygous and biallelic mutations by direct sequencing of PCR products. Molecular Plant, 2015, 8(8): 1285-1287.

8. Wang C, Zhang X, Fan Y, Gao Y, Zhu Q, Zheng C, Qin T, Li Y, Che J, Zhang M, Yang B, Liu Y-G, Zhao K*XA23 is an executor R protein and confers broad-spectrum disease resistance in riceMolecular Plant, 2015, 8(2): 290-302ESI高被引论文.(IF2015=7.142)

2014 and before:

7. Zhu Q*, Yang Z, Zhang Q, Chen L, Liu Y-G*. Robust multi-type plasmid modification based on isothermal in vitro recombinationGene2014, 548 (1): 39-42. (IF2014=2.138)

6. Zhu Q*, Xie X, Zhang J, Xiang G, Li Y , Wu H. In Silico Analysis of a MRP Transporter Gene Reveals Its Possible Role in Anthocyanins or Flavonoids Transport in Oryze sativaAmerican Journal of Plant Sciences, 2013, 4 (3):555-560.

5. Jiang Y, Xie M, Zhu Q, Ma X, Li X, Liu Y, Zhang Q*. One-step cloning of intron-containing hairpin RNA constructs for RNA interference via isothermal in vitro recombination system. Planta, 2013, 238(2): 325-330.(IF2014=3.347)

4. Sui S, Luo J, Ma J, Zhu Q, Lei X, Li M*. Generation and Analysis of Expressed Sequence Tags from Chimonanthus praecox (wintersweet) flower for discovering stress-responsive and floral development related genesComparative and Functional Genomics, 2012: 134596. doi: 10.1155/2012/ 134596.

3. Zhu QL, Guo TY, Sui SZ, Liu GD, Lei XH, Luo LL, Li MY*. Molecular cloning and characterization of a novel isoflavone reductase-like gene (FcIRL) from high flavonoids- producing callus of Fagopyrum cymosum. Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica, 2009, 44(7): 809-819.

2Zhu QL, Li MY*, Liu GD, Li YD, Sui SZ, Guo TY. Molecular characterization and functional prediction of a novel leaf SAG encoding a CBS-domain-containing protein from Coleus blumeiChinese Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2007, 23 (4):249-255 (封面文章).

1Guo Y, Zhu Q, Zheng S, Li M*. Cloning of a MADS Box Gene (GhMADS3) from Cotton and Analysis of its Homeotic Role in Transgenic Tobacco. Journal of Genetics and Genomics2007, 34 (6): 527-535.


学术会议口头报告(Oral presentation)

34. 2024 aBIOTECH Conference “Advancing the Frontiers of Agriculture Through Metabolic Engineering”, Kunming, China, 2024.06.27-30 (Oral presentation)

33. 2024 Plant and Animal Genime Conference, ASIA  (PAG ASIA 2024), Shenzhen, China, 2024.06.05-07 (Oral presentation)

32. 全国首届植物整合组学会议,广西南宁,2024.04.12-15 (Oral presentation)

31. 第二届千种本草基因组计划会议,四川成都,2024.04.10-12 (Oral presentation)

30. 合成生物学前沿技术论坛,云南昆明,2023.12.29-31 (Oral presentation)

29. The Inaugural International Symposium on Agricultural and Plant Synthetic BiologyShenzhen, China, 2023.12.08-10 (Oral presentation)

28. 第一届亚热带作物种质创新与生物育种大会,广西南宁,2023.11.17-20 (Oral presentation)

27. 农药化学生物学前沿论坛,湖北武汉,2023.11.16-18 (Oral presentation)

26. 第六届全国植物青年科学家论坛,广东广州,2023.11.09-12 (Oral presentation)

25. 2023年中国农业生物学技术学会学术年会,上海,2023.10.19-21 (Oral presentation)

24. 第八届全国生物技术与产业化大会暨基因编辑技术与应用专题研讨会,山东青岛,2023.09.23-25 (Oral presentation)

23. 合成生物学暨细胞与发育生物学系列会议,四川绵阳, 2023.09.20-22 (Oral presentation)

22. The 15th International Association for Plant Biotechnology Congress (2023 IAPB), Daejeon, Korea, 2023.08.06-11 (Oral presentation)

21. 2023全国植物生物学大会,甘肃兰州,2023.08.02-06 (Oral presentation)

20. 第八届全国植物蛋白质研究大会,贵州贵阳,2023.07.28-31 (Oral presentation)

19. 粤港澳高校植物科学家联盟研讨会,广州,2023.06.20 (Oral presentation)

18. 2023年中国植物生理与植物分子生物学学会学术年会暨成立六十周年庆祝大会,湖北武汉,2023.04.24-28 (Oral presentation)

17. The 3rd International BioDesign Research Conference, Shenzhen, China, 2022.11.27-29 (Online meeting, Oral presentation)

16. 2022年全国植物基因组学大会,广西南宁,2022.08.19-22 (Oral presentation)

15. 2022年《植物通讯》青年科学家在线研讨会,上海,2022.04.12-13 (Online meeting, Oral presentation)

14. 2021年第二届植物次生代谢论坛,西北农林科技大学,2021.11.28 (Online meeting, Oral presentation)

13. 2021年第二届中南五省植物生理学会联合学术年会,湖北恩施,2021.09.24-26 (Oral presentation)

12. 2021年夏季青年科学家快闪论坛植物生物技术专场,2021.08.25-26 (Online meeting, Oral presentation)

11. 2020年第二届全国代谢会议,海南海口,2020.12.04-07 (Oral presentation)

10. 2020年第二届海上丝路会议,海南海口,2020.12.04-07 (Oral presentation)

9. 2020年农业合成生物学等前沿技术会议,北京,2020.12.03 (Oral presentation)

8. 2020年第一届药用植物次生代谢青年科学家论坛,西北农林科技大学,2020.11.13 (Online meeting, Oral presentation)

7. 2020年农业合成生物学青年论坛,福建福州,202011.06-08 (Oral presentation)

6. 第七届全国生物技术与产业化大会暨基因编辑技术与应用专题研讨会,江苏扬州,2020.09.25-27 (Oral presentation)

5. 2019年中国生物工程学会第十三届学术年会暨2019年全国生物技术大会,四川成都,2019.11.09-10 (Oral presentation)

4. 2019年第五届合成生物学青年学者论坛,天津,2019.08.16-18 (Oral presentation)

3. 2019 The 4th Trilateral ResearchAssociation of Plant Biotechnology (TRAPB) symposium, Nanchang, China, 2020.07.05-08 (Oral presentation)

2. 2019分子植物育种大会,吉林长春,2020.07.02-04 (Oral presentation)

1. 2018The 4th International Symposium of Functional Food and Plant Metabolism, Shanghai, 2018.12.16-17 (Oral presentation)




16. 一种可实现DNA小片段精准删除的腺嘌呤碱基编辑器及其构建与应用祝钦泷,刘耀光,曾栋昌,郑芷晔,专利申请号:202210810655X

15. 一种由特异核苷酸序列引导的缺刻酶介导的DNA组装载体及其应用(祝钦泷,刘耀光,赵延昌,韩靖銮,谭健韬)授权专利号:ZL202210521633.1 

14. 优化的玉米rZmG2基因及其在提高植物遗传转化效率中的应用郭晶心,刘耀光,罗婉妮,祝钦泷,谭建韬,授权专利号:ZL202210296049.0

13. 一种愈伤组织特异启动子Pcsp的分离及其应用谭健韬,祝钦泷,刘耀光,郭晶心,罗婉妮,授权专利号:ZL202210181702.9

12. 一个茎、茎尖和小穗强表达启动子Pssi的分离及其应用(祝钦泷,刘耀光,谭健韬),授权专利号:ZL202210096617.2

11. 一种高效的植物广靶向腺嘌呤单碱基编辑器及其构建与应用(祝钦泷,刘耀光,谭健韬,曾栋昌,赵延昌),授权专利号:ZL 202111603075.5 

10. 一种高效、特异合成与扩增大片段DNAPCR引物、方法及应用(刘耀光,陈乐天,赵哲,谢先荣,刘伟智,祝钦泷,谭健韬),授权专利号:ZL202111051247.2

9. 一种植物高效胞嘧啶单碱基编辑器及其构建与应用(刘耀光,祝钦泷,曾栋昌),授权专利号:ZL 202011189809.5

8. 一种调控作物种子直链淀粉含量和胶稠度的方法及应用刘耀光,祝钦泷,曾栋昌,刘涛利),授权专利号:ZL202010273133.1;

7. 一种短小型小核RNA启动子及其构建方法和在基因组编辑中的应用(刘耀光,郭晶心,祝钦泷,郝雨,宗伍辈),授权专利号:ZL201911338845.0;

6. 一种水稻育性基因SAW1及其应用(祝钦泷,刘耀光,陈乐天,方瑞秋,王斌,陈法铭,韩靖鸾),授权专利号:ZL 201911192671.1

5. 一种花药特异表达启动子PV4及其应用(祝钦泷,刘耀光,谭健韬),授权专利号:ZL 201710369461.X; 

4. 一种多基因组装载体系统及其多基因组装方法刘耀光,祝钦泷,授权专利号:ZL 201710384197.7

3. 一种在作物种子胚乳合成花青素的转基因育种方法刘耀光,祝钦泷,余穗泽,曾栋昌,授权专利号:ZL 201710368951.8;

2. 一种在作物种子胚乳生产虾青素的转基因育种方法刘耀光,祝钦泷,曾栋昌,陈乐天,授权专利号:ZL 201610283794.6;

1. 一种水稻雄性育性可控系的构建方法及其在杂交育种的应用(刘耀光,牛百晓,王平,祝钦泷林玉茹),授权专利号:ZL201210339978.1



16. 2023年,指导硕士研究生文俊和杭佳萱获得国家奖学金;

15. 2023年,指导2020级本科生刘嘉林等获得国家级大学生创新创业训练项目资助1项;

14. 2023年,指导2020级本科生刘嘉林等获得2023年广东省科技创新战略专项资金(“攀登计划”专项资金)重点项目(pdjh2023a0077)资助;

13. 2022年,指导博士研究生刘涛利等获得第八届中国国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛广东省分赛高教主赛道--铜奖;

12. 2021年,获国际iGEM竞赛全球总决赛金奖(指导老师);

11. 2021年,指导硕士研究生刘涛利获得国家奖学金;

10. 2020年,指导硕士研究生龚琪获得国家奖学金;

9. 2019年,华南农业大学教学成果二等奖;

8. 2017年,指导2015级本科生黄银频等获得国家级大学生创新创业训练项目资助1项(201710564238);

7. 2016年,指导本科生李嘉敏等组成的SCAU-China队伍,参加2016 iGEM(国际基因工程大赛)竞赛,荣获全球总决赛金奖,总决赛季军(Second Runner-Up)、“最佳新应用项目奖(Best New Application Project)、“最佳教育和公众参与奖(Best Education and    Public Engagement ) 和“植物合成生物学最佳成就奖(Best Achievement in Plant Synthetic Biology)”4个单项奖,是成绩最好的中国高校队伍;

6. 2016年,指导2014级本科生陈君宇等获2016年广东省大学生生化技能大赛三等奖;

5. 2016年,指导2013级本科生崔超军等在中文核心期刊《西北植物学报》和《重庆师范大学学报-自然科学版》分别发表学术论文;

4. 2016年,指导2013级本科生崔超军等获得国家级大学生创新创业训练项目资助1项(201610564006);

3. 2016年,指导2013级本科生王建博等获得校级大学生创新创业训练项目资助1项(201610564166);

2. 2016年,指导2011级本科生陈文轩等在SCI杂志《Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment》上发表1篇学术论文;

1. 2014年,指导2011级本科生陈文轩等获得校级大学生创新创业训练项目资助1项(SCX13111);

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