姓 名:金晶 | ||||
技术职称:副教授 | ||||
学位学历:博士研究生 | ||||
导师类别:硕士生导师 | ||||
联系电话:020-38812569 | ||||
邮 箱:jingjin@scau.edu.cn |
2006年 - 2010年 福建农林大学作物学院 学士
2010年 - 2017年 中国农业大学农学院 博士
2017年 - 至今 华半岛官方网站,半岛bandao(中国) 任教
1.Jin J, Xiong L, Gray J.E., Hu B, Chu C (2023). Two awn-development-related peptides, GAD1 and OsEPFL2, promote seed dispersal and germination in rice. Molecular Plant, 16(3), 485-488. (第一作者兼通讯作者)
2. Xiong L, Huang Y, Liu Z, Li C, Yu H, Shahid MQ, Lin Y, Qiao X, Xiao J, Gray JE, Jin J (2022). Small EPIDERMAL PATTERNING FACTOR-LIKE2 peptides regulate awn development in rice. Plant Physiology, 190(1), 516-531. (通讯作者)
3. Lian T, Huang Y, Xie X, Huo X, Shahid MQ, Tian L, Lan T, Jin J (2020). Rice SST variation shapes the rhizosphere bacterial community, conferring tolerance to salt stress through regulating soil metabolites. mSystems, 5: e00721-20. (通讯作者)
4. Jin J, Hua L, Zhu Z, Tan L, Zhao X, Zhang W, Liu F, Fu Y, Cai H, Sun X, Gu P, Xie D, Sun C (2016). GAD1 encodes a secreted peptide that regulates grain number, grain length and awn development in rice domestication. Plant Cell, 28: 2453-2463. (第一作者)
5. Zhang Q, Liu G, Jin J, Liang J, Zhang J, Peng H, Wang W, Zhang Z (2022). RIP2 interacts with REL1 to control leaf architecture by modulating brassinosteroid signaling in rice. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 135(3), 979-991. (共同第一作者)
6. Shi Q, Jin J, Liu Y, Zhang Y, Cai Z, Ma Z, Cheng Y, Wen R, Nian H, Lian T (2020). High Aluminum drives different rhizobacterial communities between aluminum-tolerant and aluminum-sensitive wild soybean, Frontiers in Microbiology, 11: 1996.
7. Chen L, Deng R, Liu G, Jin J, Wu J, Liu X (2019). Cytological and transcriptome analyses reveal OsPUB73 defect affects the gene expression associated with tapetum or pollen exine abnormality in rice, BMC Plant Biology, 19: 546.
8. Lan T, Wang B, Ling QP, Xu CH, Tong ZJ, Liang KJ, Duan YL, Jin J, Wu WR (2010). Fine mapping of cisc(t), a gene for cold-induced seedling chlorosis, and identification of its candidate in rice, Chinese Science Bulletin, 55: 3149-3153.
1、国家自然科学基金青年科学基金 (31801325),GAD1基因调控水稻穗粒数、粒长以及芒发育的分子机理研究,2019/01-2021/12,26万元,主持