姓 名:何永奇 | ||||
技术职称:副教授 | ||||
学位学历:博士研究生 | ||||
导师类别:硕士生导师 | ||||
联系电话: | ||||
邮 箱:hyq@scau.edu.cn |
2009年 - 2013年 石河子大学农学院 学士
2013年 - 2018年 南京农业大学农学院 博士
2018年 - 2020年 华半岛官方网站,半岛bandao(中国) 博士后
2020年 - 2022年 华半岛官方网站,半岛bandao(中国) 首聘副教授
2023年-今 华半岛官方网站,半岛bandao(中国)副教授
I. 代表性论文
1. Huang C#, Zhao J#, Huang Q, Peng L, Huang Z, Li W, Sun S, He Y*, Wang Z*. OsNAC3 regulates seed germination involving abscisic acid pathway and cell elongation in rice. New Phytol, 2024, 241: 650–664
2. He Y#, Sun S#, Zhao J, Huang Z, Peng L, Huang C, Tang Z, Huang Q, Wang Z*. UDP-glucosyltransferase OsUGT75A promotes submergence tolerance during rice seed germination. Nature Commun, 2023, 14: 2296
3. Peng L#, Sun S#, Yang B, Zhao J, Li W, Huang Z, Li Z, He Y*, Wang Z*. A genome-wide association study reveals that the cupin domain protein OsCDP3.10 regulates seed vigour in rice. Plant Biotech J, 2022, 20:485–498
4. Li W#, Yang B#, Xu J, Peng L, Sun S, Huang Z, Jiang X, He Y*, Wang Z*. A genome-wide association study reveals that the 2-oxoglutarate/malate translocator mediates seed vigor in rice. Plant J, 2021,108: 478–491
5. He Y#, Zhao J#, Yang B, Sun S Y, Peng L, Wang Z*. Indole-3-acetate beta-glucosyltransferase OsIAGLU regulates seed vigour through mediating crosstalk between auxin and abscisic acid in rice. Plant Biotech J, 2020, 18: 1933−1945
6. He Y#, Cheng J#, He Y, Yang B, Cheng Y, Yang C, Zhang H*, Wang Z*. Influence of isopropylmalate synthase OsIPMS1 on seed vigour associated with amino acid and energy metabolism in rice. Plant Biotech J, 2019, 17: 322–337
7. He Y, Yang B, He Y, Zhan C, Cheng Y, Zhang J, Zhang H, Cheng J*, Wang Z*. A quantitative trait locus, qSE3, promotes seed germination and seedling establishment under salinity stress in rice. Plant J, 2019, 97: 1089−1104【高被引论文】
II. 第一作者/通讯(含共同)文章
1. Zhao J, Liu S, Zhao X, Huang Z, Sun S, Zeng Z, He Y*, Wang Z*. Rice gene OsUGT75A regulates seedling emergence under deep-sowing conditions. Crop J, 2023,
2. Sun S#, Li W#, Fang Y, Huang Q, Huang Z, Wang C, Zhao J, He Y*, Wang Z*. Small auxin-up RNA gene OsSAUR33 promotes seed aging tolerance in rice. J Integr Agr, 2023,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jia.2023.07.024
3. Huang C#, Ji Z#, Huang Q, Peng L, Li W, Wang D, Wu Z, Zhao J, He Y*, Wang Z*. Natural variation of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit 5B OsCOX5B regulates seed vigor involving energy production in rice. J Integr Agr, 2023, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jia.2023.06.018
4. Huang Z#, Ying J#, Peng L, Sun S, Huang C, Li C, Wang Z*, He Y*. A genome-wide association study reveals that the cytochrome b5 involved in seed reserve mobilization during seed germination in rice. Theor Appl Genet, 2021, 134: 4067–407
5. Zhao J#, Yang B#, Li W, Sun S, Peng L, Feng D, Li L, Di H, He Y*, Wang Z*. A genome-wide association study reveals that the glucosyltransferase OsIAGLU regulates root growth in rice. J Exp Bot, 2021, 72: 1119–1134
6. Zhao J#, He Y#, Huang S, Wang Z*. Advances in the identification of quantitative trait loci and genes involved in seed vigor in rice. Front Plant Sci, 2021, 12: 659307
7. Zhao J#, Li W#, Sun S, Peng L, Huang Z, He Y*, Wang Z*. The rice small auxin-up RNA gene OsSAUR33 regulates seed vigor via sugar pathway during early seed germination. Int J Mol Sci, 2021, 22: 1562
8. He Y#, Zhao J#, Feng D, Huang Z, Liang J, Zheng Y, Cheng J, Ying J*, Wang Z*. RNA-Seq study reveals AP2-domain-containing signalling regulators involved in the initial imbibition of seed germination in rice. Rice Sci, 2020, 27: 1−9
9. Zhao J#, He Y#, Li X, Weng X, Feng D, Ying J*, Wang Z*. An integrated RNA-Seq and physiological study reveals gene responses involving in the initial imbibition of seed germination in rice. Plant Growth Regul, 2020, 90: 249–263
10. Cheng J#, He Y#, Zhan C, Yang B, Xu E, Zhang H*, Wang Z*. Identification and characterization of QTL for shattering in japonica rice landrace Jiucaiqing from Taihu Lake valley in China. Plant Genome, 2016, 9: 1–9
11. He Y#, Cheng J#, Li X, Zeng P, Zhang H*, Wang Z*. Acquisition of desiccation tolerance during seed development is associated with oxidative processes in rice. Botany, 2016, 94: 901–101
12. Cheng J#, He Y#, Yang B, Lai Y, Wang Z*, Zhang H*. Association mapping of seed germination and seedling growth at three conditions in indica rice (Oryza sativa L.). Euphytica, 2015, 206: 103–105
13. He YQ#, Cheng JP#, Liu LF, Li XD, Yang B, Zhang HS*, Wang ZF*. Effects of pre-harvest chemical application on rice desiccation and seed quality. J Zhejiang Univ Sci B, 2015, 16: 813–823
1. 副主编,《种子加工贮藏与检验实验教程(第2版)》,科学出版社,2023
2. 参编,《种子学(第三版)》,科学出版社,2021
1. 水稻强耐盐高活力基因qSE3的分子标记及其应用,ZL2016108635435
2. 一种水稻种子引发方法,ZL201810477684.2
3. 水稻生长素糖基转移酶基因的应用,ZL201910954271.3
4. 水稻生长素糖基转移酶基因在培育耐淹水稻品种中的应用,ZL202011389564.0
5. 水稻三磷酸肌醇激酶基因的应用,ZL202210511750.X
6. 水稻OsJAZ5基因的应用,ZL 202310551736.7
1. 国家自然科学基金-面上项目(32272157)
2. 国家自然科学基金-青年基金(31901601)
3. 广东省自然科学基金-面上项目(2023A1515012092)
4. 广州市科技计划项目(2023A04J1452)
5. 中国博士后科学基金(2019M650203)