Genetic improvement toward nitrogen-use efficiency in rice: lessons and perspectives


Genetic improvement toward nitrogen-use efficiency in rice: lessons and perspectives


Bin Hu , Wei Wang , Jiajun Chen, Yongqiang Liu , Chengcai Chu


Molecular plant

D O I10.1016/j.molp.2022.11.007


The indispensable role in ensuring world food security together with the severe threats to the ecosystem makes the usage of nitrogen fertilizer a major challenge for sustainable agriculture. Genetic improvement of the crops with high nitrogen-use efficiency (NUE) is one of the most feasible solutions in tackling this challenge. In last two decades, extensive efforts toward dissecting the variation of NUE-related traits and the underlying genetic basis in different germplasms have been made, and a series of achievements were obtained in crops, especially in rice. Here, we summarize the approaches used for genetic dissection of NUE, the function of the causal genes in modulating NUE as well as their applications in NUE improvement in rice. The strategies toward exploring the variants controlling NUE and breeding the future crops with less-input-more-output for sustainable agriculture are also proposed.


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